St. Anthony Sculpture Installation - February 25th 2009

St. Anthony is finally installed in the Main Lobby of Gig Harbor's St. Anthony Hospital!!! st_ant_install077-blog

I've decided on the palcement and I'm happy about the location!!  Photo Credit: Steve Meltzer, writer & photographer on artists


You can see here I am trying to make a decision on the placement of the sculpture in the hospital lobby. Photo Credit: Steve Meltzer, writer & photographer on artists


Keving Keating & Steve from the Bronze Works Foundry are drilling the stone to set the sculpture.  dsc_0247_blog

The rods go through the baslalt base and into the floor. It is well secured with plenty of epoxy!

The sculpture weighs approximately 400 lbs in Bronze

dsc_0253_blog  And there The Saint & Child sit in the main lobby, his presence known!