Count Down

We are getting prepared to present the sculpture at Shawnigan Lake School this weekend for Founder's Day (Oct 23rd).

I've got 3 more days to finish last minute details.

Here is my husband, Jeremy, making some measurements. Because of the height limitations the maquette and gray base he built will have to be assembled on site.

Portrait still has a lot of work...but look at the dog! = )

After a little more work on the portrait.

Recent developments of the Dog

The armature has been fixed a few too many times! (maybe 4 or 5 times?)

He is finally coming into focus! It has been challenging sculpting a German Shepherd from the 1930s with a squared off back but with the common German Shepherd head as we know it.  Breeding has made the look of the dogs seen in the picture below nonexistent.

My inspiration! I am sculpting Pete who was Lonsdale's male dog in the 1930s

The Suit

The maquette (model) of Lonsdale and his dog stand about 22 inches (1/3 life size).  The final sculpture will be larger than life size (size yet to be determined and it will really depend on the location of the sculpture on campus).

Lonsdale has come a long way with his suit and all - now it is time to catch the dog up!


I've been busy in the studio the past couple weeks! Lonsdale went from having one arm unfinished to starting to wear a jacket! (just in time for the winter! - kidding)

I finally placed his right hand after I finally knew the height of the pocket. Thanks to some alterations made to his pants my model now has a jacket, vest, and pants that fit and are true to the 1930s era!

The toothpicks are like little measurement 'notes' so I don't get lost. As things go from fussy to more refined I pull them out.

Can you tell I'm having fun sculpting the pants?