Setting the Gesture for "Sisters"

candicejackiebeginings-9-small It is important to remain loose and gestural when starting a piece that has two figures interacting. Once you discover something that isn't working you have to be willing to move things around because if one figure has to move than likely the other is affected as well.


Further details...


I haven't put Jackie's arm in (at right) because I'm still unsure I have the proper head locations.

Sculpture Study of "Sisters"

Sculpture Study of "sisters"

A sculpture study for the Oehmcke Family of their two daughters (dimensions approx. 4" high 7" wide) : Jackie (left, younger sister) & Candice (right, elder sister)

The 3/4 Life Size version I will be starting on shortly!!

A portrait bust of both sisters. Jackie and Candice’s faces are close together with Jackie’s arm wrapped around her sister’s shoulder pulling her close.